Miss Peregrine and the Peculiar Children

When his grandfather dies, Jacob discovers the clues and the existence of a mysterious world that leads him to a magical place: Miss Peregrine’s House for Peculiar Children. But the mystery and danger grow as he learns about the residents, their strange powers…and their powerful enemies. Finally, Jacob discovers that only his own “specialness” can save his new friends.

Nos alumni au générique
  • Xavier Goubin
    Lead Tracking
  • Guillaume Palegie
    Lead Compositor
  • Guillaume Berthoumieu
    Matte Painter
  • Charlotte Larive
    Digital Compositor
  • Valentin Astier
    Matte Painter & Environment TD
  • Guillaume Siadous
    Matte Painter & Environment TD
  • Vincent Desgrippes
    Digital Compositor
  • Quentin Ravallec
    FX TD

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