
September 2025


Registration for the ARTFX entrance exams is free.

No surprise fees

Students are provided with all the necessary computer equipment on the ARTFX campuses. They are not required to invest in their own computer. Tuition fees are subject to change. In this case, students already enrolled in a 5-year course are not subject to this fee change during the course of their studies. The only exception to this rule is that students completing a preparatory year will be required to pay the tuition fees indicated in the school’s sales documentation for the year in which they enter the first year, if they are accepted into the higher curriculum at the end of their preparatory year.

Tuition fees

Art foundation year (optional)

Foundation year in applied arts and preparation for competitive exams in the most prestigious creative schools, including ARTFX. Students build a solid portfolio and acquire work experience in the occupations studied in ARTFX, including cinema, animation, special effects and video games. Admission after completing the baccalauréat (secondary school leaving qualification) or equivalent. Foundation year is given in French.

€6,200 per year Details about Fondation year Details about Fondation year

1st to 5th year

From the first year until the end of study project, the student will gradually sharpen his sense of image (1st year), experiment and specialize (2nd and 3rd year) and finally professionalize (4th and 5th grade).

€12,000 per year
for foreign and/or non-French-speaking students
Application Application

Enrollment fees

French students:

€370 per year

Other nationalities students:

€870 the first year
€370 per year the next years (re-enrollment)

If you’re admitted, you’ll have to pay the enrollment fee to definitively confirm your entry into ARTFX, and then pay 20% of the tuition fee when you sign your tuition contract. The enrollment fee and deposit paid when you enroll (20% of the tuition fee when the contract is signed) will be refunded if the applicant does not complete the baccalauréat, provided that ARTFX is informed as soon as possible.

The price
of independence

ARTFX is an independent private higher education institution. The State recognises our courses by awarding the professional qualification of “digital producer” registered in the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (national directory of professional certifications) (last renewal date: 14 September 2020).

Tuition fees are the school’s main resource to pay its teachers and finance its infrastructure and the equipment made available to students, from filming material to digital tools associated with the flipped classroom.

ARTFX is one of the few schools that doesn’t belong to a private higher education group. Its financial independence means it can invest most of its tuition fees in educational innovation and the quality of its teaching.

Financing your studies

The school has partnership agreements with several banking institutions, which facilitate access to student loans at reduced rates in preferential conditions. The employment rate of ARTFX students within 6 months to 1 year after graduation is 95%.

Banque Populaire du Sud - Occitanie

Processing fees: on request
Interest rate: on request

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Crédit Agricole - Montpellier Agency

Processing fees: on request
Interest rate: on request

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Students at ARTFX are not eligible for CROUS grants granted on social grounds. However, they benefit from student status and receive a student card. As such, they have access to university restaurants (Resto’U) and enjoy reductions on public transport and in sports and cultural facilities, museums, theatres and cinemas, as well as free access to libraries.

They are eligible for social/financial assistance from the Caisse des allocations familiales National Office for Family Allocations (CAF), in particular the aide personnalisée au logement (APL) or the allocation logement à caractère social (ALS).

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