Discover for the first time in theaters, Dr. Michael Morbius (played by Oscar-winning actor Jared Leto), an enigmatic anti-hero and one of the most captivating and tortured Marvel characters in the Sony Pictures universe. Severely afflicted with a rare blood disease, and determined to save all victims of this pathology, Dr. Morbius attempts a desperate gamble. Just as his experiment appears to be a success, the cure unleashes a sinister effect. Will good defeat evil – or will Morbius succumb to his newfound urges?
Cédric Moens de Hase
CG Generalist -
Thomas Rodeschini
FX Artist -
Morgane Herbstmeyer
Valeria Railean
FX Artist
Mickael le Mezo
CG Generalist -
Killian Favarger
CG Generalist -
Antoine Molenat
CG Generalist -
Clément Thomasson
FX Artist