A team of explorers discover a clue to the origin of humanity on Earth. This discovery takes them on a fascinating journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, a terrifying confrontation that will decide the future of humanity awaits them.
Gérald Blaise
Hard Surface Senior Modeler -
Jérôme Martinez
Digital Matte Painter & Environment TD -
Charles Chorein
Look Dev & Lighting Artist -
Antoine Goncalves
Environment Artist -
Michael Havart
Digital Matte Painter & Environment Artist
Alban Kasikci
Digital Compositor -
Arnaud Havart
Digital Matte Painter & Environment Artist -
Guillaume Berthoumieu
Digital Matte Painter & Environment Artist -
Pierre Fromentin
Digital Matte Painter -
Marc Menneglier
Junior Lighting TD -
Bastien Muller
Look Dev & Lighting TD