Ready Player One

2045. The world is on the verge of chaos. Human beings take refuge in the OASIS, a virtual universe developed by the brilliant and eccentric James Halliday. Before disappearing, he has decided to bequeath his immense fortune to anyone who discovers the digital Easter egg he has hidden in the OASIS. The lure of gain provokes a worldwide competition. But when a young boy, Wade Watts, who does not have the profile of a hero, decides to participate in the treasure hunt, he is plunged into a parallel world that is both mysterious and disturbing…
Nos alumni au générique
  • Simon Rafin
    Lead Compositor
  • Gaëlle Seguillon
    Concept Artist
  • Ludovic Fregé
    Digital Compositor
  • Yoann Gouraud
    FX TD
  • Fabien Rosier
    Modeler Artist

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