The Mandalorian

The Book of Boba Fett had devoted an episode to their reunion. It was for the writers and the creator, who also works on The Mandalorian, to lay the groundwork for this third batch. We discovered that after revealing his face to outsiders, Din Djarin was banished from his clan. For his part, Grogu was offered a choice: return to Mando or continue his apprenticeship with Luke. He chose the first option. The two are on their way to the living waters of Mandalore. Only with them can Din Djarin regain his honor and become a Mandalorian again.

Nos alumni au générique
  • Alexandre Marlier Fuentes
    Lead Compositor
  • Cyrielle Guillermin
    Lead Lighting
  • Sophie Roques
    Senior Compositor
  • Stanislas Vincent

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