The World of Narnia: Dawn Treader's Odyssey
Drawn into an intriguing painting, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with their detestable cousin Eustace, suddenly find themselves thrown into the kingdom of Narnia, aboard a majestic ship: the Dawn Treader. Joining Caspian, now king, and the intrepid warrior mouse Ripitchip, they embark on a perilous mission on which the very fate of Narnia depends. In search of seven missing lords, our travelers embark on a spellbinding journey to the mysterious islands of the East, where they are bound to encounter magical creatures and unimaginable wonders. But most of all, they will have to overcome their deepest fears by confronting sinister enemies, while resisting the terrible temptations they will face. It’s time for them to show their legendary courage on an odyssey that will change them forever and take them to the end of the world, where the great Lion Aslan awaits them.
Gérald Blaise
Modeling & Texturing Artist -
Julien Record
Digital Compositor -
Charles Chorein
Lighting TD -
Michael Havart
Digital Matte Painter
Simon Rafin
Digital Compositor -
Xavier Goubin
Tracking Artist -
Arnaud Havart
Environment Artist