Send the Romans packing with a 12-gauge in the 1st person action game "vVv"! Your mission? To erase the time-travel tracks of future villains who helped the Roman Empire in their world conquest. Of course, you have the license to "smash it up", the cleanup crew takes care of the rest!
- UE4
- Maya
- 3ds Max
- Houdini
- Substance Designer / Painter
- ZBrush
- Photoshop
- GitHub
- Adobe Suite
- Google Suite
- MS Office Suite
- Quixel
- Wwise
- Yed
- Blender
- Hammer
- Jorys Abadie
- Paul Artige
- Morgan Camenen
- Camille Carlier
- Lucas Dziura
- Jonas Felix
- Victor Giroux
- Arthur James
- Loïc Lecomte
- Eddy Alain Njiki Tchantchou
Release date